The bus ride to Tarifa was the first real change of scenery we got since the mountains of
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
Spain: Tarifa
Monday, June 9, 2008
Spain: Sevilla
Sevilla really wasn’t that much to look out, but there were many treasures to be found if you looked hard enough—probably between every other street where a Starbucks wasn’t… For the most part,
Saturday, June 7, 2008
Spain: Granada
I know it has been a while since I have posted, in fact by the time I publish this I will already be home. I have decided to write about my trip to
Monday, May 19, 2008
Final Days of Wroxton
I tried looking back on my experiences here, and I feel as though I dreamt it all up. A few weeks in Spain and then I will wake up one morning to find myself in my own bed back in my little white house with purple shutters in Pines Lake NJ—wondering if it actually happening. Or will it hit me that I was here! I did it!
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
Guess What's Up My Kilt
This past weekend there was a class trip to
Sunday, April 20, 2008
How I Conquered Wales in a Day
On April 12th, the college offered a day trip to Cardiff Wales, the capital of the very country my namesake originates from. Well technically, the Battersby name came about in
Monday, April 7, 2008
News from the Abbey
This will be a lighter post than normal: a quick recap of this week, some good news and bad news, and a little more attention to what an average day at the Wroxton Abbey is like.
Sunday, March 30, 2008
Into the Emerald Isle
I did so much in
Thursday, March 13, 2008
The Paris Trip
The days leading up to the
I was only able to take a quick nap that night before hopping on a bus at 2 in the morning. We drove to
The next day I went on a bus tour provided by the school coach service, I spent a lot of money on food, and I figured out what my traveling souvenirs are going to be—patches—I have a Paris and France patch, I just need to grab a London, England, and UK patch to catch up. I climbed to the top of Notre Dam; it was a far better experience and view (believe it or not) than climbing to the top of the
Don’t talk to Bulgarians who ask if you can speak English, they are annoying beggars or pickpockets.
Not all French people suck asshole, only the non-white French gave me problems (probably immigrants from
The bus ride home was funnier than all hell. Brian and Stewart, the two bus drives, were probably the most cynical comedians I have ever met. They worked well off the other. Brian loved singing his own lyrics to songs generally expressing his love to Wendy Hart, our professor chaperone. They loved using mildly gay humor, pretending the two of them developed feelings for each other over the weekend. I am definitely going to adapt them into characters for something I write in the future.
Finally, I want to catch you up to date. I have been writing papers non-stop. I have 4 papers due by the end of next week before I leave for
Sunday, March 2, 2008
The Wroxton Hooligans

I sat back down and the second I took my jacket off, another goal… It was like when ever the three of us had our “jerseys” showing at the same time, BC scored. We jeered at the Hotspurs fans, waved good-bye, and chanted, “It’s all over!”
Wednesday, February 27, 2008
5.3 on the Richter Scale
Last night there was an earthquake that hit
I am
Sunday, February 24, 2008
The Many Cities of England
Well, a lot has happened these last two weeks. I wish I had time to write about all of it in excruciatingly great detail, but I figure the more details I leave out the more I’ll have to talk about when I return. I will briefly go over my weekend trips and some cool things that have been happening during the week days.
Monday, February 11, 2008
London Trip
I stayed in
There is a pub at the top of the Abbey drive way, the North Arms. I met the couple who run it. Their names are Nikki and Gary. They are very friendly people and accepting of us FDU students. They should be considered they bought the pub next to our college just one year ago. The first night I was there,
Quick Fun Facts
Don’t forget to look right first when crossing the streets of
Don’t buy tickets from private vendors.
Don’t expect to be welcomed wholeheartedly into pubs or restaurants if you aren’t wearing relatively nice clothes.
Hostel breakfast: toast, tea, butter, jam, and cornflakes… that’s it.
Don’t hesitate to break up from larger groups to do your own thing.
I know you all want pictures, but the internet here is slow and it takes too long to upload. I will figure something out soon I promise.
My Semester Schedule
Dates | What’s Up |
Saturday 2 February | |
Friday 8-10 February | Weekend Trip to |
Saturday 16 February | |
Sunday 17 February | |
Thursday 21 February | Mediaeval Banquet |
Friday 22 February | |
Saturday 23 February | |
Sunday 24 February | |
Thursday 28 February | Buttery Quiz Night |
Saturday 1 March | |
Sunday 2 March | |
Wednesday 5 March | |
Thursday 6- Sun 9 March | |
Saturday 15 March | London Day trip |
Sunday 16 March | Ely Day Trip |
Friday 21 – Sunday 30 March | Travel Break ( |
Friday 4 April | Tintern Abbey |
Saturday 5 April | |
Sunday 6 April | Sulgrave Manor |
Saturday 12 April | |
Sunday 13 April | Cotswolds Tour |
Wednesday 16 April | |
Friday 18 – Sunday 20 April | |
Monday 21 April | Lord North Lecture and Dinner |
Friday 25 April | Stonehenge & Rollright Stones |
Saturday 26 April | |
Friday 2 May | |
Saturday 3 May | Westonbirt Arboretum and Malmesbury Abbey Day Trip |
Sunday 4 May | |
Wednesday 7 May | |
Friday 9 May | |
Saturday 17 May | |
Sunday 18 May | End of Semester Dinner Dance |
Monday 19 May | Depart for Spain |