Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Problems Arise Right on Time

I haven’t even taken off yet, and there have been several mishaps. Let’s start with the catalyst of these unfortunate events. Brian Swanzey, the director of the Wroxton Office for Study Abroad, misinformed all the students telling us that the semester will end May 12th, when in reality it won’t be ending until May 19th. He called everyone yesterday in a desperate attempt to correct his mistake. So I will be at Wroxton a week longer than I had anticipated which leads me to my next dilemma. I have a ticket to fly from London to Granada on the 13th. Too bad my semester doesn’t end until the 19th… Well that wasn’t a big deal; I just changed my booking for a week later. It only cost me about 40 dollars in fees. My main concern is that my trip to Spain had been cut short by a week. I asked Brian if there was a way that I can change my return ticket home, and the cheap ass travel agency was unwilling to cooperate with me. The unhelpful pawn of a travel agent, Michelle Blah-Blah, had me tagged from the get go. As soon as I mentioned my name she knew I was going to ask if I could change my ticket. Every student at Wroxton who is scheduled to return home after the semester had no problem, but because my ticket had me returning a month later, I am unable to enjoy the conveniences and the simplicities that my other fellow students were able to take advantage of. She said it would cost me 200 dollars in booking fees to change my flight date, the bitch… Well I talked to Brian, and he’s doing everything he can to help me out. Now I just have to be patient I guess.


DAD said...

We got your new Itinerary from the cheap ass travel agency.... lol. I guess your higher power was watching over you....

Glad you made it there in one piece..keep us posted as to what your up to..


DAD said...

We got your new Itinerary from the cheap ass travel agency....I guess your higher power was watching over you....

Glad you made it there in one piece..keep us posted as to what your up to..


Donna said...

Keep in touch and have a great time.

Love Mom

danorama said...

Go Brandon! Thanks for creating this blog. I'll be checking back frequently!


Unknown said...

That's the fun of it... be flexible and resilient. Nothing like the jet lag, right? Let us know when you'll have the best chance of being in London.

Kim and Paul said...

Hey Brandon,
Glad to hear you arrived safely even with the difficulties. We know you will have a great time and stay safe. We luv ya,
Kim and Paul

Donna said...

Have fun in London. Stay safe. Love always, Mom