Wednesday, February 27, 2008

5.3 on the Richter Scale

Last night there was an earthquake that hit Lincolnshire England. We are far from the coast here at Wroxton, but many of us felt it all the same. I unfortunately did not. I was in the basement when it happened; I guess I was well enough grounded. Britain usually has around 20 earthquakes a year so this wasn’t that unusual. The only thing that worries some people is that this was one of the biggest quakes in 20 years. Hopefully this won’t be a reoccurring trend. So I am completely alright if any of you were worried.

I am Brandon your British Geologist providing you with tectonic updates. You stay classy America.


Rich said...

I'll take the blame for that. I had a burrito yesterday, and my stomach wasn't feeling the greatest.

My bad.

Donna said...

Yes, Rich, you are soooo bad. But, I did feel that, lol.

Brandon, that pic of you and Carrie would have been perfect with the Record Travel section. I hope you get that soon.

Love Mom

Geggz said...

"I'm Brandon, your British Geologist providing you with tectonic updates. You stay classy, America!"
"-tectonic updates. You stay classy, America!"
You're just the cutest thing, bbattz.

Unknown said...

Rock n roll. Gotta love earthquakes ! Have them in Calif. you know. Hi, Your Mom sent me your blog. Glad to read that you're having a blast! Cute girlfriend ;-). (Debbie C.)

About the Group said...

I was in an earthquake once - when I lived in Alaska. With all the fun your having, have time to write?